By Dr. Doug Fryday, D.C.
Blogger for InsideOut Lifestyle Soulutions

With all the conflicting information circulating around out there about CBD  (cannabidiol) isn`t it any wonder it could  make your head spin! The blessing and the curse of modern day technology and its spawning of social media. It`s like drinking water from a fire hose!

Can CBD make you high? How do I take it, how much and in what form? Is it just another wellness fad? Are there side effects and can it be addictive? Is it legal? These are just some of the questions that I hope to address in this blog.

The first thing I would like to explore is what is CBD and where does it come from? Cannabidiol or CBD as it is most commonly referred to is one of over 100 active cannabinoids in the hemp plant. CBD oil is extracted from mainly the flowers and buds of the hemp plant. CBD does NOT produce euphoria or intoxication like it`s cousin THC or tetrahydrocannabinol. CBD targets specific receptors in the brain and body called C1 and C2 receptors. There are both significant physical and mental benefits from CBD supplementation for treatment and prevention of disease and to optimize health. 

Hemp (Cannabis Sativa) and marijuana (Cannabis Indica) are two varieties of the cannabis plant, like lemons and limes are two different varieties of the citrus fruit with their own qualities and uses.
Hemp contains negligible amounts of THC, in fact less than 0.3%/dry weight, the intoxicating substance which is abundant in marijuana. Hemp contains a very high percentage of CBD which is non-intoxicating.
Marijuana contains very high percentages of THC and low percentages of CBD. Marijuana, as it is widely known, is used for medicinal or recreational purposes. Hemp is used in variety of other applications that marijuana couldn’t possibly be used in. These include healthy dietary supplements, skin products, clothing, paper, packaging and bio-fuel to name just a few. In fact BMW has literally made a car from hemp made composites! Overall, hemp is known to have over 25,000 possible uses.
Next let`s take a trip back in time and investigate a little history of the hemp plant. CBD has had a long and colorful history. As far back as 4000 years BC people have been growing hemp and marijuana, both, are from the cannabis family. As I mentioned earlier Hemp is Cannabis Sativa, Marijuana is Cannabis Indica. Like lemons and limes both are fruit from the citrus family, but again are very different! As you will see here in lies the confusion and subsequent problems this misunderstanding created. In the United States, the allowed THC-content for hemp to be classified as legal is 0.3% by dry weight.
In 1533, scientists and physicians started studying the health benefits of cannabis and King Henry VIII required that for every 60 acres of land, each farmer must set aside ¼ acre for hemp cultivation or otherwise face a fine of three shillings and four pence. In colonial America, it was illegal for farmers to NOT grow hemp. Our founding Father Thomas Jefferson made it law that an “acre of the best ground” be kept to grow hemp. Colonists came to America on ships that used hemp ropes and drafted the Constitution on hemp paper.

Hemp and marijuana continued to spread and grow throughout the world, with both its industrial and psychoactive effects being noted. Although marijuana and hemp have been around for over 6000 years, the legal and medical uses of CBD seen today are a more recent phenomenon.
In 1937 the Marijuana Tax Act was brought to congress and was passed. This eventually banned its production, sale, & use. Industrial Hemp was dragged down with it. Even though Hemp is not marijuana and there is a clear distinction between the two as we mentioned above.
Major landmark events must be noted in the legalization of CBD. On October 7, 2003, the United States government patented the first CBD based patent (used as a neuroprotectant) under U.S. Patent #6,630,507.Then in 2012 the medical effects of CBD were really publicized in America once the story of Charlotte Figi appeared. This 8 year old girl's rare seizure disorder was treated by a CBD potent strain of marijuana with unbelievable results. This child’s ability to overcome the effects of her illness with a strain of marijuana that was very high in CBD and very low in THC caused the policymakers and the government to begin to realize the powerful health benefits of both marijuana and hemp.
Today, CBD from hemp is legal in all 50 States. It has been demonstrated to help reduce stress and anxiety, relieve pain, promote sleep, and encourage a happier and healthier life. Now that the 2018 Farm Bill has been passed by both houses of Congress and  signed by the POTUS it is anticipated that more extensive research, sponsored by the US government, will get underway to reveal the many other health benefits of CBD.

Now that we know the what, where and why behind CBD lets look at the different types of CBD products and the most effective ways to consume them. CBD comes in a wide variety of forms and products that yes has the potential to literally make ones head spin and your brain hurt. 

In a majority of states one can find CBD products in health food stores, health professional offices, pharmacies, supermarkets, variety stores and even gas stations. Even restaurants are starting to add  CBD to their food and beverages. That includes pills, oils, balms, vaping devices (like e-cigarettes), and edibles, including gummy bears, honey, coffees, and alcoholic beverages, among others.
One thing to be vary cautious of is the quality of the products that are out there. Poorly processed CBD oil may be tainted with toxic solvent residues, pesticides, corn syrup, artificial flavors and colors, and other toxic contaminants. A significant
amount of these sub-therapeutic CBD hemp extracts are sourced from over-seas mainly Asia.
 We feel the most important factor in sourcing professional quality CBD products is to know who is behind the company and the relationship you develop with them. 

InsideOut pure hemp CBD products are made from industrial hemp sourced from farms that have produced some of the most rich, medicinal CBD hemp in the USA. InsideOut pure hemp CBD is completely isolated through CO2 extraction and crystal precipitation, and is of the highest grade, pesticide free, Non-GMO and organic hemp in the world. These industrial hemp farms are fully compliant with the State Department of Agriculture regulations, and are one of the largest US distributors of medicinal hemp, rich in CBD, CBG, CBC, and CBN.

InsideOut CBD herbal drops are made of the highest quality concentration of CBD Oil with a purity level up to 80%. We offer a variety of strengths from 250 mg/bottle up to 1000 mg/bottle of all natural and top-quality, potent CBD oil. Full spectrum and isolate options are available in natural and peppermint flavors. These CBD Herbal Drops are legal in all 50 states in the U.S., as well as in more than 40 countries worldwide. Our CBD Isolate powder capsules contain 99+% pure CBD. We third party test all of our isolate to ensure it`s purity and that it is 100% free of THC. Our isolate can be consumed by anyone concerned about drug testing positive . Each capsule available in 10mg or 25mg of our organically grown, CO2 extracted pure CBD isolate! From seed to sale our pure hemp CBD is extensively tested by a third party lab for potency and contaminants to bring you the highest quality product. InsideOut pure hemp CBD products are legal in all 50 states in the US and more than 40 countries worldwide

At InsideOut, we are health and wellness professionals and our vision is to provide a safe, natural, alternative option for our customers for pain management and other conditions including anxiety, stress, and sleep issues. Our passion for optimal health remains at the very soul of everything we live and breathe.
Now lets discuss the best ways to consume CBD and in what serving size. Each person’s human endocannabinoid system is different and as such will react differently to CBD concentrations and serving sizes. There are countless variables such as weight, diet, metabolism, genetics, environment, product consistency, and more that make a universally prescribed serving size or dosage is impossible. With these facts in mind, most people who are new to CBD begin their journey by starting with the minimal suggested CBD serving, then gradually increasing the dose until they achieve the desired results. The most effective way to consume CBD in my opinion is by taking the oil under your tongue or sub-lingual. Place the correct quantity of CBD oil under your tongue using the dropper and hold the CBD oil in place for a minimum of 60 seconds. The 60 second hold rule allows for immediate absorption into your blood stream by avoiding your digestive system. This bypassing of your digestive system allows for optimal absorption. Once 60 seconds has passed, swallow the CBD oil.

Can consuming CBD cause side effects? When you compare the side effects of CBD to other pharmaceuticals and even THC the side effects are minor and minimal. We always recommend consulting your doctor before using any dietary supplement, including our InsideOut CBD products. Although CBD is generally considered safe, it can cause adverse reactions like diarrhea and fatigue in some people when consumed in very large amounts. It may also interfere with certain medications so if you are on medication please consult your prescribing health provider before considering taking CDB. Unlike opioids there is no addictive qualities to CBD or the chance of overdose. Opioid overdoses routinely cause death by overloading the opioid receptors in the brain’s cardiorespiratory centers, with the result being “respiratory depression” that causes users to simply stop breathing and die. While the brain is rich in cannabinoid receptors, there are almost no cannabinoid receptors in the brain’s cardiorespiratory centers.
 CBD also has a place in fighting the opioid epidemic. Studies of opiate-addicted rats have shown that administering CBD inhibits opiate-seeking behavior. Dr. Russo noted that high doses of CBD can effectively deactivate the drug-seeking part of brain, with no psychoactive “high” effect.

CBD`s inclusion in the coveted Physcians Desk Reference or PDR is a sign that mother natures little gift is based on fact and not fiction. The PDR® has been trusted by medical doctors and healthcare professionals as THE GO TO REFERENCE for drug and supplement information for more than 70 years. It provides doctors access to drug labeling, drug safety and other clinically-relevant information. 


"CBD may be useful as an adjunctive supplement to support healthy immune response and homeostasis, promote and maintain healthy mood, energy, sleep, pain response possibly via the modulation of endocannabinoid system (ESC), which is known as a vital factor in the regulation of homeostasis, symptomatic relief and overall metabolic functions."

So we have to ask is CBD  just another fad or is it truly a mainstream panacea? According to Dr. Esther Blessing, an assistant professor at New York University School of Medicine, who is coordinating a study of CBD as a treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder and alcohol use disorder. “CBD is the most promising drug that has come out for neuropsychiatric diseases in the last 50 years,” and “The reason it is so promising is that it has a unique combination of safety and effectiveness across of very broad range of conditions.” From my personal experience and extensive investigation of the benefits of CBD I would have to bet on the later. In my opinion CBD is the perfect "brain fuel" for optimizing your overall health potential.


  1. If you go to a reputable CBD oil manufacturer, you can be sure that they’re careful about making their products. The extraction, harvesting and growth all play a significant role in retaining that natural balance. If you want to be sure you’re getting the entourage effect, you should check out the third-party lab reports of a brand’s products. These should show a strong terpene and cannabinoid profile.

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